Meow Wolf Engages Samuels & Company to Assist in National Expansion

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With a mission statement to inspire creativity in people’s lives through art, exploration and play, Meow Wolf has created a unique indoor attraction which provides visitors with an immersive interactive art experience across a variety of media, venues including architecture, sculpture, painting, photography, video production, cross-reality (AR/VR/MR), music, audio engineering, narrative writing, costuming, performance and more. Guests discover a multidimensional universe with secret passages, portals to magical worlds and an expansive narrative amidst surreal, maximalist, and mesmerizing art exhibits. Meow Wolf’s  existing immersive experiences including the House of Eternal Return in Santa Fe, NM and the Omega Mart in Las Vegas, NV; which has been extremely well  received with huge success and excitement, even during the pandemic.

Visit Meow Wolf website